The heart of any organization is the people involved and invested in that organization. At the Center of Excellence for Integrated Care (COE), our team is passionate about integrated care.
We understand whole person care and integrated care from our personal and professional experiences and enthusiastic professionalism is at the heart of our work.
The COE team is comprised of enthusiastic and knowledgeable staff with a range of experiences. Our core team consists of licensed behavioral health staff who have worked both in integrated care settings as well as traditional mental health and substance use treatment settings. COE complements its staff with expert consultants for medical knowledge, billing and coding knowledge, and specialty foci.

At the root of the work of COE is the Foundation of Health Leadership and Innovation and the sibling programs housed under the Foundation (FHLI). Staff of the foundation have a broad range of expertise and COE staff collaborate frequently with their foundation colleagues to further develop their wholistic perspective.